This time of year is perfect for dreaming of gardens. My mind always goes to flower gardens. When I was a tiny child, someone planted the "seed" of gardening in my little mind. It must have been a long-ago Sunday School teacher who raised a batch of pansies in little cups and sent one home with each of her students for their Mothers on Mother's day. I was one of her little recipients of a sweet pansy, and~ so was my Mother. I don't think I had ever seen a real flower before.
Because we have two very large areas right around the house, they simply cry out to be filled with blooms! You may remember the roses I planted last fall in these gardens. They are all dormant now, of course, but they are the largest bushes I could find without being climbers.
So seed fever has taken possession of me ~ I have poured over seed catalogs, spent many inquiring hours on the internet researching English cottage gardening. I am realizing my hot southern, drought stricken soil may not produce exactly what I long for. So I have turned to the book Jim Wilson wrote called "Bullet-Proof Gardening". He and his wife lived here before we bought the place and apparently filled these gardens with flowers. So I know there is hope.
Finally, I've made my selection. I will once again order from Botanical Interests. Tomorrow is the day. They have to be planted by the middle of the month in order to be ready to plant outside by April.
Because we have two very large areas right around the house, they simply cry out to be filled with blooms! You may remember the roses I planted last fall in these gardens. They are all dormant now, of course, but they are the largest bushes I could find without being climbers.
So seed fever has taken possession of me ~ I have poured over seed catalogs, spent many inquiring hours on the internet researching English cottage gardening. I am realizing my hot southern, drought stricken soil may not produce exactly what I long for. So I have turned to the book Jim Wilson wrote called "Bullet-Proof Gardening". He and his wife lived here before we bought the place and apparently filled these gardens with flowers. So I know there is hope.
Finally, I've made my selection. I will once again order from Botanical Interests. Tomorrow is the day. They have to be planted by the middle of the month in order to be ready to plant outside by April.

Each seed packet is a complete guide for growing this particular seed!
Open up the packet and find oodles of information! This is so helpful to someone like me who hasn't done this much before!I use plastic forks to remind me of important information! Cilantro germinates in complete darkness. So just cover that part with something to keep the light out.
I don't know of too many people who enjoy spinach. Mom frequently served it from a can when we were growing up. It was good. She always put the vinegar cruet on the table when she served spinach. YUM!
Hello Dear Sharon,
What a inspiring post! Your photos are lovely! I, too love English Cottage gardening, and do think it is possible to have one in the hot, humid south.
I am sure the gardening book you purchased will be helpful, since the previous owners wrote it, and planted flowers in your gardens. That is so interesting! Your beautiful home has a lovely gardening history, and you and Ashley are blessed with the gift of gardening! So, as you said, there is hope! Just look at the gorgeous gardens you have already started!
I can hardly wait to see you roses in bloom! I am going to order a few old roses from http://www.davidaustinroses.com/american/ They are located in Tyler, Texas, and can withstand the heat and humidity of the south. The hybrid rose I have has not done very well here.
I need to finish my seed order and send it off so I can start my seeds soon! I hope you will post photos as you progress with your seed starting! You are so encouraging! Blessings, Paula
Dear Sharon ,
I just visited the Botanical Interests web site. Oh, it is so gorgeous, and the seed packets are works of art! Thank you so much for sharing that information! I am going to have to order some seeds from them as well! I see they have organic and heirloom seeds, and that they took the safe seed pledge to not knowingly buy or sale genetically engineered seeds!
They have a wonderful selection! How did you ever decide? Thank you again!!!
Have a lovely day! Paula
I just visited the David Austen/south website you sent. It was very helpful, to have southern favorites featured. I will put it in my favorites. Have you requested a David Austen cataloge? I recieved mine a couple of months ago, and it is loaded with information with all the roses available! I think you would enjoy it, Paula. The pictures are breathtaking!
Hi Sharon,
No, I have not requested a catalog. Thank you so much for letting me know! I will ask for one to be sent today. I can just imagine the gorgeous pictures! Did you order your roses from them? I am so glad they have some that do well in the south. Tyler, Texas is just a few hours from here!
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