Aren't these just the cutest little fellers you ever did see? They are Jersey calves; three days old in this picture.

Notice his loooong eyelashes. Doesn't your heart just melt!
Jerseys are really way too pretty.

Here's Mrs. Goat. I can't remember her real name. She looks a little filled out to be just one.

The quackers are really fun to watch. I bet you didn't know that ducks are herd animals? Well, they are here at our place!

It's one big happy family in the chicken pen!

This is one of Mother Fluff-Ruffle's adopted hatchlings. It looks rather roosterish.

This is the cutest critter of all!
Hi Sharon
I love all of your Cute Critters,
That is what living in the county
is all about. Thank you for sharing.
May God Bless you and your
Avery wanted me to tell Mrs. Castlebury that she likes your calf pictures, and to tell Sawyer hello. She also mentioned that she would like to talk with you and Sawyer again sometime!! We liked your post.
Dear Christiana,
I'm so glad Avery likes the calf pictures. They sure are cute, aren't they? Sawyer and I say hello to Avery, and we sure enjoyed talking with her as well. She is such a sweety!
Love, Mrs. C
I am so very happy that you have some Jersey cows - that must seem like a dream come true for you. They have such beautiful eyes.
I agree with you regarding the 'cutest critter'. He is simply adorable!!
Nanci Pelc
I came across your blog through your daughter's blog and have certainly enjoyed reading your posts. You have such a lovely family.
Those jersey calves are so very beautiful, and I enjoyed the pictures of the other farm animals!
The last picture of Sawyer is such a wonderful one! There is something sweet and yet wise in his eyes!
Your blog is such a blessing. I alawys look forward to visiting and reading your posts.
Have a blessed week!
Dear Sharon,
You have a lovely blog! I noticed you and I enjoy many of the same hobbies, books and movies! It's such a blessing to find a "kindred spirit"! May the Lord bless you and your family!
In Him,
Those are cute pictures ~ and I agree the last one is cutest! He looks so contented there in the grass, too. :-)
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