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Friday, August 8, 2008

Welcome to the Back Porch!

As you know, we live way out in the middle of rural South Carolina. I am so glad that you can visit me here by way of the web.

I often think of the women who helped their husband carve homesteads out of this land of America. They lived isolated and often lonely lives. There was always plenty of work that wore many of them down to shortened lives. They would have gladly welcomed just a glimpse of another woman, and would have thrilled to think of a visit. How fortunate we are to have one another.

I got these Morning Glories in the ground rather late in the spring . . .

Grandpa Ott's

. . .but they seem determined to take over! I think they grow about 8 inches a day! You dare not sit still to long on the steps, as one just might GET YOU!

Do you see the watermelon just beneath the porch? It's a volunteer! I've been faithful to water it.

When Dave and I were first married, we lived in a big old foursquare with a wrap-around porch! Morning glories crawled all over the side yard. I thought they were beautiful ~ as was everything~ I was so happy to be married to my Prince . . .

Heavenly Blue

So these flowers hold a special place in my heart.

Flying Saucer

These are all from a mix called "Something Old Something New" .

From Botanical Interests.

What a marvel that anything grows in 100+ temperatures with very little water!